
The <AncestorLists> option is used to select individuals for whom ancestor lists will be generated. Ancestor Lists include all ancestors for the selected person seperated into generations, each ancestor's ancestor number (or in the case of the image shown, the generation number) and their reliability assessment. The reliability assessment shown in all ancestor lists and descendant lists aggreate all descendants reliabilities and display the least certain assessment, so if a child has an uncertain parent, and the parent has a certain grandparent, the grandparent's reliability as it relates to the child is still uncertain.

Ancestor List
Ancestor List
Ancestor List - Commentary
Ancestor List - Commentary


In this example, ancestor lists are setup for two individuals, the first using a record id, the second using a unique name.

  <Ids>   I1; Bob Builder </Ids>  
  <Agnus> true            </Agnus>


[ ]
A semicolon-delimited list of individual's names or record ids. The individual name should be unique in your database. All individual name fields will be searched. If you want to list source references for parental relationships in your ancestor list, add a source flag ( :s ) between the id and the semicolon delimiter ( i.e. I1; I2:s; I3; )
[ true ]
When enabled, AGNUS will be used as the numbering system. When disabled the more traditional Ahnen numbering system is used. AGNUS has the advantage of using small readable generation numbers that are bidirectionally traversable. See Yet Another Genealogical Numbering System (AGNUS) for more information on AGNUS.