
Census tables show all of the census information for a selected individual's ancestors in a single table, making it easy, at a glance, to tell which ancestors need further research and where and when they are likely to be found. The tables are generated automatically from your genealogy data. For a detailed look at how to create a standalone census table checkout Configuring a Standalone Census Table, and for an in-depth description, read What is a Census Table?.
Census Table (Family Historian)
Census Table (Family Historian)
Census Source
Census Source
Census Source Claims
Census Source Claims


In this example, census tables will be created for two individuals. Four census years will be considered, and a different year is skipped for each of the individuals.

  <Ids>         I1; Henry Cooper       </Ids>  
  <CensusYears> 1905, 1911, 1921, 1930 </CensusYears> 
    <Id>        I1                     </Id>    
    <Years>     1905                   </Years> 

    <Id>        Henry Cooper           </Id>    
    <Years>     1930                   </Years> 


[ ]
A semicolon-delimited list of individual's names and record ids. The individual name should be unique in your database. All individual name fields will be searched.
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A comma-delimited list of census years to consider.
This element is a wrapper element to indicate the beginning of a new option to setup the years for which a selected individual will not be considered.
[ ]
This is the individual name or record id of the member of the <Ids> defined above to be considered. The individual name should be unique in your database. All individual name fields will be searched.
[ ]
A comma-delimited list of census years to not consider for the selected <Id>.