
The <BlogPosts> option is used to add any number of blog posts. GEDCOM note records ( @NOTE ) can be converted into blog posts by adding a title field to an existing note record id.

Blog - Index
Blog - Index
Blog - Post - Gallery
Blog - Post - Gallery
Blog - Post - Gallery - Image
Blog - Post - Gallery - Image
Blog - Post - Article
Blog - Post - Article
Blog - Post - Article - Footnotes
Blog - Post - Article - Footnotes


    <Id>                      Post1                      </Id>                     
    <MediaId>                 M1                         </MediaId>                
    <Refs>                    I1; Bob Builder            <Refs>
    <Title>                   Moby Dick                  </Title>                  
    <Filename>                moby-dick                  </Filename> 
    <Author>                  Herman Melville            </Author>                 
    <PDate>                   1850                       </PDate>                  
    <PTime>                                              </PTime>                  
    <MDate>                                              </MDate>                  
    <MTime>                                              </MTime>                  
    <MinTagSize>              0                          </MinTagSize>            
    <Abstract>                A seafaring adventure      </Abstract>               
    <Category>                Novels                     </Category>               
    <HashTags>                #Whales                    </HashTags>               
    <Keywords>                Seafaring, Whale, Ishmael  </Keywords>               
    <SkipFeed>                false                      </SkipFeed>       
    <Locked>                  false                      </Locked>           
    <Private>                 false                      </Private>           
    <Draft>                   false                      </Draft>           
    <SkipFeedContent>         false                      </SkipFeedContent>
    <HidePostImage>           false                      </HidePostImage>       
    <HideRelatedPosts>        false                      </HideRelatedPosts>       
    <ExcludeFromBlog>         false                      </ExcludeFromBlog>       
    <ExcludeFromRelatedPosts> false                      </ExcludeFromRelatedPosts>
    <Redirect>                                           <Redirect>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="%PluginsURL%gigatrees/dynamic.font.size.css">
          #footer, .gt-article-meta {display:none;} 
        <script src="%PluginsURL%user/user.js"></script> 
          document.write("Hello World");
        Call me #Ishmael ... 


This tag indicates the start of a new blog post
[ ]
Any unique text can be used as the idenifier. If no id is provided, the filename will be used.
[ ]
A media record id as defined by the <Media> option. The image referenced will be used as the post's banner image.
[ ]
This can be used to add a list of referrers. A semicolon-delimited list on individual names or record ids (individual or source only). It is not necessary to add referrers here if an embedded reference to the record is included in the the post <Content> as those are added automatically.
[ ]
Post title
[ ]
The filename must be SEO compatible (lowercase, replace spaces with dashes, strip non-alphnumeric characters) is automatically created from the <Title> option if this field is left empty.
[ ]
Post author
[ ]
Publication date (i.e. 1 Jan 2001, January 1, 2001, 1/1/2001, etc.)
[ ]
Publication time in hours:minutes:seconds(i.e. 12:00:00 is noon)
[ ]
Modification date
[ ]
Modification time
[ 0 ]
Gigatrees treats words beginning with a # sign as a hash tag. Dashes in hash tags are converted to spaces when displayed. A separate index page is created for every hashtag. Hash tags are automatically hotlinked to their index pages. Use this option to set the minimum size allowed for hash tags (for this post only). This value overrides the global setting}. A value of zero ( 0 ) defaults to using the global setting.
[ ]
Enter text to serve as the abstract. If left blank, an abstract will be created automatically from the post content. HTML will be stripped from the abstract.
[ ]
Post category
[ ]
You can specify hashtags as well as embed them in the post content.
[ ]
A comma-delimited list of keywords. These as well as the hastags will be used to replace %Keywords% in the metadata plugin
[ false ]
When enabled, the posts will not be included in the feed.
[ false ]
When locked and when the <Database> is enabled, the post will require the visitor to sign in using their user credentials.
[ false ]
When enabled, the post will be excluded from the blog when the <Privatize> option is enabled.
[ false ]
When enabled, the post will be excluded from the blog, always.
[ false ]
When enabled, the post's content will be excluded from the feed.
[ false ]
When enabled, the featured image will not be displayed at the top of the post.
[ false ]
When enabled, the related posts area will not appear at the bottom of the post.
[ false ]
When enabled, the post will be excluded from all blog index pages and event reference pages (i.e. Referrers).
[ false ]
When enabled, the post will be excluded from all related posts area.
[ ]
If the filename has changed or the post content has been deleted, HTML redirect code can be added here to redirect the web page.
[ ]
This can be used to add or override post specific CSS styles to the end of the HTML header, prior to the closing HTML head tag.
[ ]
This can be used to append post specific scripts to the end of the file, prior to the closing HTML body tag.
[ ]
Post content