
The <FanCharts> option is used to modify the fan charts found on the individual profile pages. By default, the number of generations up to the <MaxFanGenerations> is shown along with the complete percentage.


When highlighting a cell, The path his highlighted and each generation is listed showing the relationship and reliability assessment.

Profile - Fan Chart (expanded)
Profile - Fan Chart (expanded)


  <EnableFanCharts>     true </EnableFanCharts>    
  <InlineFanCharts>    false </InlineFanCharts>    
  <IndicateReliability> true </IndicateReliability>
  <MaxFanGenerations>      9 </MaxFanGenerations>  


[ true ]
This option is used to enable fan charts.
[ false ]
Enable to place fan chart on main profile page, disable to place it on its own tab.
[ false ]
This option is used to indicate reliability assessments in fan charts. When enabled the color of each cell is based upon the inherited reliability assessment for that individual. When disabled or the <ShowReliabilityAssessments> option is disabled, a random color scheme is used.
This option sets the maximum number of generations shown in a fan chart. This limit cannot be increased above 9, because it is fixed by the charting library. The number of generations shown in a fan chart are dynamically determined, and will not show more generations than are appropriate, so it is unlikely that you will need to change this option.