DNA charts and tables are automatically generated by determining the most recent common ancestors found in your database for your configured DNA tester and all their configured DNA matches. The tables will include a summary of the details derived from those matches, and will link to the DNA charts for each of those ancestors. Each chart will link up every DNA match for whom that ancestor is the most recent as well. For a detailed look at how to setup DNA charts checkout Configuring Ancestor DNA Charts, and for an in-depth description, read What are DNA Charts?


  <DnaProbabilityFile>  config\dna-orogen-w-matrix.csv  </DnaProbabilityFile> 
  <TotalChromosomeLength>                </TotalChromosomeLength>
  <HideCollapse>            true         </HideCollapse>          
  <HideMissingMatches>      true         </HideMissingMatches>          
  <SurveyReporting>         false        </SurveyReporting>
  <SharedCMProject>         false        </SharedCMProject>  
    <Tester>                I1           </Tester>
    <Match>                 Bob Builder  </Match>
    <SharedDna>             3921 cM      </SharedDna>
    <SharedPct>                          </SharedPct>
    <NumberOfSegments>      123          </NumberOfSegments>
    <LongestSegment>                     </LongestSegment>
    <TestingCompany>        Ancestry     </TestingCompany>
    <TotalChromosomeLength>              </TotalChromosomeLength>
    <Comment>                            </Comment>
    <Living>                true         </Living>
    <Tester>                Jeb Builder  </Tester>
    <Match>                 Sue Builder  </Match>
    <SharedDna>             3800         </SharedDna>
    <SharedPct>             50%          </SharedPct>
    <NumberOfSegments>                   </NumberOfSegments>
    <LongestSegment>        450          </LongestSegment>
    <TestingCompany>        MyHeritage   </TestingCompany>
    <TotalChromosomeLength>              </TotalChromosomeLength>
    <Comment>               Hi Mom!      </Comment>
    <Living>                true         </Living>


[ ]
For most users, the built-in relationship probability matrix is sufficient, however if you want to use an alternate matrix by using one of several provided in the distribution, or by creating your own, you will need to include here an absolute or relative file path to a comma-delimited file. Several sample files are provided in the config folder ( config\dna-geek-matrix.csv, config\dna-sharedcm4-matrix.csv, config\dna-orogen-w-matrix.csv, config\dna-orogen-uw-matrix.csv ). The first of these is based on the one provided by Dr. Leah Larkin in her article, The DNA Geek: The Limits of Predicting Relationships Using DNA. The second contains a matrix based on the The Shared cM Project Version 4.0 (March 2020) provided by Blaine T. Bettinger and Jonny Perl. The last two, and probably the most accurate, contain matricies based on the Orogen Relationship Predictor (weighted and unweighted) provided by Brit Nicholson ("The only relationship predictions based on data from a peer-reviewed source"). The files were exported from their identically named spreadsheets, also found in the config folder. You can use these as templates for creating your own matricies. The header lines will be skipped as long as they do not begin with a floating point number. The number of columns is fixed, but you may include any number of rows necessary to provide the resolution needed.
[ ]
You can override the total chromosome length described above. This value will be applied to all shared matches when not provided as part of the shared match data.
[ false ]
When enabled, the pedigree collapses text will be excluded from the descriptive text. You may want to do this if your column widths become unwieldy.
[ true ]
When enabled, matches of 0cM will not be included in the DNA tables. They will continue to appear in the DNA charts.
[ true ]
By default, if you have DNA match data, a DNA survey report will be created. See the DNA Survey Submission Form for more information.
[ false ]
If you would like to submit your report to the The Shared cM Project Version 4.0 (March 2020) provided by Blaine T. Bettinger and Jonny Perl, enable this option.
This tag indicates the beginning of a new DNA Tester/Match pair.
[ ]
The DNA tester's name or record id.
[ ]
The DNA match's name or record id.
[ ]
The amount of shared DNA in cM or percent. The units are optional when not in percent.
[ ]
The amount of shared DNA in percent (optional).
[ ]
The number of shared segments (optional).
[ ]
The longest segment (optional).
[ ]
The testing company (optional). Any text can be entered, but to use the default TCL value shown in the table above, the name should match those in the table.
[ ]
You can enter this value for each match individually. When doing so it will override the testing company's default value shown above.
[ ]
Any comment. It will be displayed in the table, but not exported.
[ false ]
In most cases, your DNA matches will be living individuals. When you set the living flag, the DNA match will be added to the <ForceLivingIds> list.
[ ]
This if for your use only, Gigatrees ignores it.

The <DNA> option allows adding any number of DNA tester/match pairs along with their relevant data. You can define a large number of these in a separate configuration file, or do what I do, enter all of your data into a spreadsheet, including columns for your XML tags, export the spreadsheet into a tab delimited text file and import the text file as a new configuration file. You can then load the new configuration file using the -c command line parameter by adding it to the build file (See the Quick Start Guide). Be sure to include the <Gigatrees> wrapper.

The configuration files necessary to build the sample DNA Test tree, are included in the config folder ( config\dnatest*.* ). To build the sample tree, run the build file ( dnatest.bat ) located in the installation folder. The following was taken from the DNA sample test file ( config\dnatest.xlsx )


Exported spreadsheet: tab-delimited text file:

<Relative> <Tester> My Self </Tester> <Match> Identical Twin Brother </Match> <SharedDna> 6800 </SharedDna> <SharedPct> </SharedPct> <NumberOfSegments> 73 </NumberOfSegments> <LongestSegment>     </LongestSegment> <TestingCompany> Ancestry   </TestingCompany> <TotalChromosomeLength> </TotalChromosomeLength> <Comment> </Comment> <Notes> </Notes> </Relative>
<Relative> <Tester> My Self </Tester> <Match> My Self                </Match> <SharedDna> 6800 </SharedDna> <SharedPct> </SharedPct> <NumberOfSegments> 30 </NumberOfSegments> <LongestSegment> 170 </LongestSegment> <TestingCompany> MyHeritage </TestingCompany> <TotalChromosomeLength> </TotalChromosomeLength> <Comment> </Comment> <Notes> </Notes> </Relative>
<Relative> <Tester> My Self </Tester> <Match> My Father              </Match> <SharedDna> 3450 </SharedDna> <SharedPct> </SharedPct> <NumberOfSegments> 47 </NumberOfSegments> <LongestSegment>     </LongestSegment> <TestingCompany> Ancestry   </TestingCompany> <TotalChromosomeLength> </TotalChromosomeLength> <Comment> </Comment> <Notes> </Notes> </Relative>
<Relative> <Tester> My Self </Tester> <Match> My Daughter            </Match> <SharedDna> 3400 </SharedDna> <SharedPct> </SharedPct> <NumberOfSegments> 1  </NumberOfSegments> <LongestSegment>     </LongestSegment> <TestingCompany> Ancestry   </TestingCompany> <TotalChromosomeLength> </TotalChromosomeLength> <Comment> </Comment> <Notes> </Notes> </Relative>