
The <Collections> option can be used to define collections of individuals relating to a commmon theme, for instance, Gateway Ancestors, Revolutionary War Soldiers, Mayflower Passengers, Royalty, etc. To add a collection, assign it a title and a list of individual names or GEDCOM record ids to include in the collection; names must be unique. You can add an optional description. All collections will be included on the Collections page.

Collections - Index
Collections - Index

Collectors are individuals who have an ancestor named in any of the defined collections. You can also define a list of collectors whose profile pages will include a Collections tab listing only those collections to which their ancestors belong, and will limit the collection to only their ancestors.

Profile - Collections
Profile - Collections



  <Collection> <Title> Mayflower Passengers </Title> <Ids> John Alden; Isaac Allerton; John Billington </Ids> </Collection>
  <Collection> <Title> Notable Persons      </Title> <Ids> I100; I200; I300                            </Ids> </Collection>
  <Collectors> I1; Bob Builder </Collectors>


This tag indicates the start of a new collection.
[ ]
Title of the collection
[ ]
Description of the collection (optional)
[ ]
A semicolon-delimited list for individual names or record ids to be added to this collection.
[ ]
A semicolon-delimited list for individual names or record ids to be considered collectors of collections.