
Gigatrees supports defining any number of source citation templates that can be used to format how your source's metadata is displayed. The <Sources> option can be used to add metadata to new or existing sources. To add metadata to an existing source, provide that source's record Id as the <Id> element. To define a new source, simply specify a unique <Id>. Note that source templates may also be defined directly into the source, which may be more convienient when using free form source citations, or for one-off citations that will not be reused elsewhere. Gigatrees supports many non-standard GEDCOM source metadata fields imported from a number of genealogy applications, including RootMagic and Ancestry.com. By default, Gigatrees uses built-in default template definitions that are designed to include all supported source metadata. You only need to define new templates if the defaults do not meet your needs.

Creating source citation templates is more art than science. Gigatrees uses substitution elements to place the source metadata into the source citations, but this may not always play out as you might hope. You may, therefore, find it necessary to define your own templates. Elizabeth Shown Mills' book, Evidence Explained provides some ready examples. When defining templates, braces ( { and } ) are used to delimit conditional statements and the percent symbol ( % ) is used to delimit substitution elements. If all of the source citation elements specified within a conditional statement are not defined, the entire conditional will be discarded. Text and HTML may be included in your templates. Gigatrees will process each template and make the proper substitutions; once that is complete it will perform a cleanup, removing stray elements, such as extra periods and commas.

Default Templates

The following default templates are defined by Gigatrees. The <FullCitation> field is used as a citation for the source record. It does not include source reference elements such as the reference page or quotations. The <Footnote> field is used for source references and footnotes, both of which include the source reference elements. The <ShortFootnote> field is only used for footnotes in blog posts, as a subsequent footnote when a previous <Footnote> has already appeared previously within the same footnote structure. The <IbidFootnote> is use similarily, but only when the previous <Footnote> or <ShortFootnote> appeared just prior in the same structure.


{%Jurisdiction%}{, %Series%}{, %SocietyInfo%}{, %Collection%}{, %Author%}{, %SuplAuthor%}{ (%SuplRole%)}{, %Creator%}{, %Compiler%}{, "%DatabaseTitle%"}{, "%Title%"}{, ": %Subtitle%"}{, vol. %Volume%}{, pp. %PageRange%}{, %Format%}{, %Media%}{, (%PubPlace%: %Publisher%, %PubDate%, %Edition%)}{, %WebsiteOwner%}{, %WebsiteCreator%}{, <i>%WebsiteTitle%</i>}{ (%WebsiteUrl%: accessed %AccessDate%)}{, %Periodical%}{, %Section%}{, %Type%}{, %RecordType%}{, "%RecordTitle%"}{, pp. %RecordPageRange%}{, %RecordDate%;}{, %Remarks%}{, %Annotation%}{, %Details%}{, %RepositoryLocator%}{, %Repository%}{, Original data: %Original%}.


{"%DatabaseTitle%"}{, "%Title%"}{, ": %Subtitle%"}{, vol. %Volume%}{, pp. %PageRange%}{, %Jurisdiction%}{, %Series%}{, %SocietyInfo%}{, %Collection%}{, %Author%}{, %SuplAuthor%}{ (%SuplRole%)}{, %Creator%}{, %Compiler%}{, %Format%}{, %Media%}{, (%PubPlace%: %Publisher%, %PubDate%, %Edition%)}{, %WebsiteOwner%}{, %WebsiteCreator%}{, <i>%WebsiteTitle%</i>}{ (%WebsiteUrl%: accessed %AccessDate%)}{, %Periodical%}{, %Section%}{, %Type%}{, %RecordType%}{, "%RecordTitle%"}{, pp. %RecordPageRange%}{, <i^>%ItemofInterest%</i>}{, % RecordDate%;}{ p. %RefPage%}{, <br/><i>"%Quotation%"</i>}{, %Remarks%}{, %Annotation%}{, %Details%}{, %RepositoryLocator%}{, %Repository%}{, Original data: %Original%}.

Short Footnote

{%Jurisdiction%}{, %Series%}{, %SocietyInfo%}{, %Collection%}{, %Author%}{, %SuplAuthor%}{ (%SuplRole%)}{, %Creator%}{, %Compiler%}{, "%DatabaseTitle%"}{, "%Title%"}{, vol. %Volume%}{, pp. %PageRange%}{, <i>%WebsiteTitle%</i>}{, %Periodical%}{, %Section%}{, "%RecordTitle%"}{, p. %RefPage%}{, <i>"%Quotation%"</i>}.

Ibid Footnote

<i>ibid.</i>{ (p. %RefPage%)}.


The following examples were taken from Elizabeth Shown Mills' website, and were made to roughly approximate her examples.


    <Id>               EE94                                 </Id>            
    <Title>            Archived Materials: Digital Archives </Title>        
      "%Collection%." %Format%. %WebsiteOwner%. <i>%WebsiteTitle%</i>. %WebsiteUrl% : %AccessDate%.
      "%Collection%," %WebsiteOwner%, <i>%WebisteTitle%</i> (%WebsiteUrl% : accessed %AccessDate%), %Format%, "%Title%," p. %RefPage%; crediting "%Original%."
      "%Collection%," <i>%WebisteTitle%</i>, "%Title%," %RefPage%.
    <Id>               EE781                                </Id>            
    <Title>            Journal Articles: Online Journals    </Title>        
      %Author%. "%Title%: %Subtitle%." <i>%Collection%</i> %Volume% (%PubDate%). %Format%. %WebsiteUrl% : %AccessDate%.
      %Author%, "%Title%: %Subtitle%," <i>%Collection%</i> %Volume% (%PubDate%), %Format%. (%WebsiteUrl% : accessed %AccessDate%), ItemOfInterest.
      %Author%, "%Title%, %ItemOfInterest%.


This tag indicates the start of a new source template
[ ]
A unique id
[ ]
The source template title. This is not used by Gigatrees. It is strictly here for your convienience.
[ ]
This template it to be used whenever a full source citation is required, namley on the source pages.
[ ]
This template is to be used for the first footnote shown for a source on a page in <BlogPosts>.
[ ]
This template is to be used for subsequent footnotes shown for a source on a page in <BlogPosts>.
[ ]
This template is to be used for footnotes to the same source that immediately follow it. The Ibid Footnote template will be immediately preceded by the word ibid., so it should not be included in the template.